Let Them Eat Cake!

Sofia Coppola directs Marie Antoinette

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She won every award going for her last film, but Sofia Coppola isn't one to play it safe. Rather than produce another beautiful little character study like Lost In Translation, Coppola is going all-out with Marie Antoinette, one of the most famous headless people in history. Marie Antoinette, for those of you who spent history class behind the bike sheds having a sneaky fag, was the wife of Louis XVI, Queen of France and victim of the French Revolution. After a spoiled childhood at her home in the Imperial court of Austria and the Royal court at Versailles, Marie Antoinette unsurprisingly grew into a spoiled and frivolous woman, who failed to heed the warning signs of revolution, and famously replied, on being told that the peasants were starving because they had no bread, "Let them eat cake". Kirsten Dunst is attached to star as Marie, so expect to see her in dizzy blonde mode to begin with, followed by a gradual segue into tragic heroine a la Spider-Man. Rushmore's Jason Schwartzman, a cousin of Sofia's, will play Louis XVI, which (possible charges of nepotism notwithstanding) sounds like rather good casting to us. In any case, we can look forward to a whole welter of riots, revolutions and the best beheading scenes since David Warner in The Omen. Vive la Revolution! Libert Egalité, Fraternité!

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