It’s Lonely Being Blade

Wesley Snipes is looking for love in Blade 3

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Blade II is hitting UK screens this weekend and, with a third film currently in the works, Blade star Wesley Snipes is looking forward to the possibility of a love interest in the next instalment. "Blade is getting some in the third film," he told Ananova. No news was available on whether Blades girlfriend is to be living or undead but, after two films with only his shotgun for company, this should be welcome news for the original vampire slayer. With two adventures under his belt, Snipes is showing no sign of getting tired with the role and is still keen to slip into the leather for another stab as the demi-vampire vigilante. "It's a lot of me - you know my sensibilities. I could hang with Blade, he'd be a cat I'd hang out with. I love playing this role. It's fun as an actor to test your skills at doing a sequel, to see if you can recreate something you did." The third film should certainly see Snipes' work cut out for him with the film thought to be set 20 years in the future at a time where the world is completely overrun by vampires.

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