Look Hugh’s Back

Bridget Jones's sequel underway

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Bridget Jones's Diary director Sharon Maguire clearly has the right idea about Empire; 'It's the greatest magazine in the world as we know it,' she told us at this week's Empire Awards - not that that had anything to do with her movie winning the award for Best British Film that night. With so much early buzz on the Bridget Jones sequel around, we asked Maguire where she was with the script; 'It's early stages,' she confided, 'but it has started to be written and there is going to be a sequel.' And what's this we hear about Hugh Grant's part being written up for the sequel? 'I think it's too early to say what's going to happen to the characters at this stage,' was her coy response. Happily Jones's creator, Helen Fielding, was on hand to give us her opinion on whether Hugh's Daniel Cleaver should make a return. 'They have to [write him in] because he was so fantastic in the first one. He only has about four pages in the second book, but you can't confine Hugh to two scenes or something so there definitely needs to be more.' So will Fielding be working on the script adaptation herself? 'Well at the moment I'm writing my next book, and I'm just getting to the stage where I'm really wanting to concentrate on it, so not at the moment, but I'm always there if they want to ask me anything. Andrew Davis is doing it, which is great.'

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