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Exclusive: Cameron Crowe on his next project and the Vanilla Sky DVD

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Cameron Crowe's Vanilla Sky reaches our screens this week and the Jerry Maguire and Almost Famous writer/director has accompanied his film across the Atlantic to give it a proper send off. But Crowe has other reasons to land on our side of the pond, not least of these is his next project, the script for which is still a work in progress. "I was working on it this morning actually," Crowe told Empire Online. "I've had some really major breakthroughs in London on various things that I've written. The problems with Jerry Maguire got solved when I came here to do an interview around the time of Singles and so it's kind of a lucky place to be." Details on this latest Crowe creation are thin on the ground but it looks like a return to his earlier days rather than the somewhat surreal style of Vanilla Sky. "it's about half finished," he explains. "It's a little bit like the style of Jerry Maguire but it's an ensemble character comedy-drama. It's actually more like Say Anything. With Vanilla Sky being the kind of film that happily bears repeated viewing, Crowe has already begun work on what is sure to be a huge DVD release. As well as a step-by-step guide to the myriad pop-culture references that are scattered throughout the film, Vanilla Sky fans will be treated to a number of special features. "There'll be a few deleted scenes. There's a little bit more with Kurt Russell and there's a shoot-out, like in Open Your Eyes, there's a shoot-out that happens towards the end that we had to take out because it was just too long. It's funny, guys that have seen the movie like 30 times are still seeing new things in it and I'm honoured that the movie is that dense. It's an inviting movie that involves you, there's something new to check out every time you see it and that was the original intention. This is a movie built for DVD." Don't forget to check back later tonight for our full coverage of the Vanilla Sky premiere.

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