Magic Mike’s Last Dance Trailer Brings Channing Tatum Back To The Stage

Magic Mike's Last Dance

by Ben Travis |
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Weird. We’re heading straight into winter, but suddenly in the last few minutes it feels like the temperature’s gone up. Does it feel kind of warm in here to anyone? Anyway, the first trailer for Magic Mike’s Last Dance just dropped, promising an energetic conclusion to Steven Soderbergh and Channing Tatum’s sexy-dancing trilogy – one that this time teams Tatum’s titular Mike up with Salma Hayek Pinault (as she’s credited here), and takes them to the London stage. There’s dancing. There’s smouldering. There’s disco music. It’s a Magic Mike movie! Check out the trailer here:

Beyond all the usual Magic Mike business, this one not only brings Soderbergh back to the director’s chair (he didn’t helm Magic Mike XXL, though he was its cinematographer and editor), but it does seem to nod towards the Magic Mike Live show currently on stage in London – it seems like the plot here finds Mike himself setting up just such a show. Meanwhile, Hayek Pinault seems to be matching Tatum in the dancing stakes as the hot-and-heavy rhythmic action kicks in.

Since everybody is clearly seeing this for, um, the plot, here’s the synopsis: “‘Magic’ Mike Lane takes to the stage again after a lengthy hiatus, following a business deal that went bust, leaving him broke and taking bartender gigs in Florida. For what he hopes will be one last hurrah, Mike heads to London with a wealthy socialite who lures him with an offer he can’t refuse… and an agenda all her own. With everything on the line, once Mike discovers what she truly has in mind, will he — and the roster of hot new dancers he’ll have to whip into shape — be able to pull it off?”

Cannily programmed in the run-up to Valentine’s Day, Magic Mike’s Last Dance will hit UK cinemas on 10 February. Better start those stretches now.

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