Man Of Steel Confirmed

Official announcement on Superman casting

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The rumour went out over the weekend; many of you believed and many of you laughed sardonically at the susceptibility of journalists to Internet rumour. Against the odds though it has all come true: Brandon Routh, the virtual unknown, will play Superman in Bryan Singer's upcoming movie. Official confirmation came through today, shattering the hopes of many that Smallville's Tom Welling would be recruited for the role. We're not upset though, oh no, because Routh certainly looks the part, sources say he can act the part and, well, if Bryan Singer believes in him then we'll happily take it on faith. Still not convinced about the film? Well, the Chicago Sun-Times spoke to screenwriter David Harris and managed to squeeze out a few more plot details. "He'll begin in his late 20s," says Harris. "He lost his powers in Superman 2 and now he has the powers back. But something has happened because he's been away for a long time. We're taking off from the first two Superman films with Christopher Reeve. We use his history and then move on with big twists and great special effects." What? No Krypton? Calm down people, it's not like you don't know how Kal-El came to our little blue planet. "[We're] not going to do the origin story again. Our view is if you're over 25 years old, then you've seen the Reeve films and that's Superman to you. If you're under 25, then you watch TV's Smallville, and that's Superman to you."

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