Mark Ruffalo Says Marvel Is Again Considering A Hulk Film

'But there's still nothing definitive...'


by James White |
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There have been rumours about a new spin-off Hulk film since the successful return of the giant green one in the Avengers. Marvel, Joss Whedon and even Bruce Banner himself – Mark Ruffalo – have refuted them before, but now Ruffalo is singing a different tune, albeit one that comes with enough caveats to build a tower as tall as the Hulk.

Out promoting his new music drama Begin Again, Ruffalo has naturally been fielding questions about Dr. Banner and his literally hulking alter ego. And from the sounds of it, there might be some slow movement in the direction of a film focusing on Banner. "I think they are, for the first time, entertaining the idea of it," Ruffalo told Digital Spy. "When we did The Avengers it was basically 'No!', and now there is some consideration for it.”

Before you go raising your hopes too high, he cautions that any plans are far from firm. “But there's still nothing definitive, not even a skeletal version of what it would be. I look forward to going down that road, if we could crack that nut." Can a solo Hulk film work now that we have Ruffalo’s Banner in place and set to be fleshed out further in **The Avengers: Age Of Ultron **next April? We may be closer to finding out than we ever thought…


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