Mark Wahlberg To Replace Chris Evans In Infinite

Mark Wahlberg, Chris Evans

by James White |
Updated on

That was quick. Just a few months after Antoine Fuqua thought he'd found his leading man for past-lives drama Infinite in Chris Evans, things are changing. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Mark Wahlberg is now in talks to replace him.

Paramount nabbed the rights to D. Eric Maikranz's novel The Reincarnationist Papers, which follows Evan Michaels, a man who is haunted by memories of two past lives and stumbles upon a centuries-old secret society of similar individuals who make up the Cognomina, a secret society of people who possess total recall of their past lives and whose members have been agents of change throughout history. He seeks to join their ranks...

Evans had been set to star, but scheduling issues between the movie and his series for Apple, Defending Jacob, meant he had to drop out. If Wahlberg makes a deal, he'll step into the role and kick off shooting in September. Wahlberg will next be seen in crime drama Wonderland, which sees him reunite with director Peter Berg. The film doesn't yet have a set release date

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