Jeff Goldblum Says Robert Downey Jr. Will Be Back As Iron Man For Marvel’s What If…?

Jeff Goldblum, Robert Downey Jr.

by James White |
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While Marvel (and often the actors themselves) kept saying that Avengers: Endgame would draw a line under Chris Evans and particularly Robert Downey Jr.'s time in the MCU, we had a suspicion that both actors might take the opportunity to return for the animated Disney+ series What If...? Evans' Steve Rogers has already been spotted in the Peggy Carter-centric episode, but according to Jeff Goldblum, Downey Jr. is also getting in on the cartoon action. Check out the Jeffster's comments in the video below.

Talking with Buzzfeed (while cradling adorable puppies) Goldblum, let slip that he's recorded a part as Thor: Ragnarok's Grandmaster in an episode of What If...? and that the character appears alongside Iron Man, dropping Downey Jr.'s name. Whether he was supposed to confirm anything is a moot point: Goldblum gonna Goldblum.

Whether the MCU icon does show up in the series (and you've got to figure he'd be happy to show up to record, since What If...? doesn't take place in MCU main continuity and posits ideas in parallel worlds) remains to be seen (or officially confirmed by Marvel or Disney), but it's yet another fun concept to consider. Plus, Goldblum mentions that he's been talking to director Taika Waititi about potentially cropping up in Thor: Love And Thunder, due in November 2021 (with What If...? arriving the summer before that.

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