Meet The Star Wars: The Force Awakens Characters

Roll call!

Meet The Star Wars: The Force Awakens Characters

by empire |
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Alhough the first teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens introduced us to some of the characters we’ll meet when J.J. Abrams’ film arrives next December, we were still in the dark (side) as to their names. So Abrams and Lucasfilm’s Kathleen Kennedy have decided to remedy that, premiering a bunch of collectible trading card images over at EW.

And yes, this is far from everyone we still have to meet, but we figure the rest – or some of them, as, Abrams will probably want to keep a few things back for the film itself – will show up once the next trailer arrives, likely with Avengers: Age Of Ultron.

Finn (John Boyega)

Finn (John Boyega)

Attack The Blo****ck’s Moses plays the conflicted Stormtrooper we meet when he pops up into frame at the start of the teaser. We don’t yet know his history, but it’s certain to be interesting. Is he a bad guy who decided to go straight? A hero hiding out in wolf’s clothing? And what is the role of Stormtroopers in the galaxy years after the Battle of Endor?



This little ball droid has become something of a meme-worthy sensation despite just a few moments in the trailer. He/she/it already has a twitter feed, which is more than can be said for Harrison Ford. Mr. F, @HarrisonDoors is still going begging, and you know it would be funny.

Poe Dameron

Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac)

Oscar Isaac is an X-Wing pilot, clearly aligned with the Rebel Alliance (or whatever they call themselves these days – just The Alliance?) But he’s got an interesting name, and he’s played by someone we know can assay both heroic and dangerous characters, so we’re looking to find out more about him. Such as: does he sing?

Kylo Ren

Kylo Ren

The most mysterious of the newbies remains Kylo Ren, who is named but without anyone leaking who plays him. We’d guess Adam Driver, but that could be anyone in that cloak: Andy Serkis? Max von Sydow? Anthony Daniels? Okay, probably not the last one.


Rey (Daisy Ridley)

Finally, here’s Rey, whose name feels a little like they cast Daisy Ridley then just mashed her first and last names together. Still, she’s clearly a speeder jockey and will play a vital role in the coming conflict.

So there you go – let the speculationating begin once more, especially since Abrams reveals that each card’s number has a significance. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is set for release on December 18 next year.


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