Mortensen Could Be Snow White’s Hero

He's up for the Huntsman

Mortensen Could Be Snow White's Hero

by James White |
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A scant few minutes after we wrote that the producers of Snow White and the Huntsman would be sad to lose Michael Fassbender to Ridley Scott's **Prometheus, the news broke that they were probably too busy drying their tears over the money they were offering to Viggo Mortensen to take over the role of the Huntsman.

The actor is in talks to co-star in the film, which Rupert Sanders is directing from Evan Daugherty’s script. While the plan is to roughly follow the **Snow White **fairytale to begin with, the story will then take a left turn, as the Huntsman – originally ordered to kill the heroine – doesn’t just leave her in the forest; he becomes her protector.

Charlize Theron is close to a deal to play the evil, jealous Queen who decides that Snow has to go. But what Sanders and his producers really need to find is an actress to play Snow White. According to Variety, they’ve been testing various talents, but that Universal is apparently looking either to secure the talents of a draw like Kristen Stewart or track down an unknown with the potential to be the next Jennifer Lawrence or Hailee Steinfeld.

They’ll have to find someone before summer, as the aim is to have the movie shooting then for a December 2012 release. And there’s pressure from competing Snow White films, including one that Tarsem Singh is putting together for production company Relativity…

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