New Trailers – V. good

First look at Bridget and Phantom

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After conquering the world first time around, Britain's favourite singleton is back for more calorie-counting, big-pants wearing fun in Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. The first trailer is now online, and all three leads are back for more love-seeking shenanigans. This film picks up where the first film leaves off - Bridget is happily hooked up with the lovely Mark Darcy (Colin Firth), having seen off the dastardly Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant). Sadly, Bridget manages to complicate everything with her usual gift for saying completely the wrong thing at completely the wrong time, and Cleaver is back to continue his heartbreaking ways. Will Bridget choose the right man? Will they have another girly fight for her affections? Will she ever get some normal underwear? Check out the trailer here. Also online is the first high quality glimpse of what's on show in The Phantom of the Opera. Glimpses of scenes flash past at breakneck speed, which makes it hard to say whether the film has got the drama right, but they've certainly gone all out on the look of the piece. Costumes and settings look sumptuous in the extreme, but right in the middle it is possible to just make out a guy in a mask leching over a girl who looks remarkably like Emmy Rossum. Have a look for yourself here.

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