New Wolverine Picture Online

And Jackman reassures the fans

New Wolverine Picture Online

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

Last week reports emerged of Vancouver reshoots on** X-Men Origins: Wolverine**, prompting fear and trepidation among fanboys who took this as a sign that the troubled production (so the rumours tell us) is still in difficulties. But fear not! For, like a pointy-haired, heavily muscled mutant in shining armour, star and producer Hugh Jackman has reached out to enfold us all in his manly embrace and reassure us that everything's all right, in an email to AICN.

"Due to scheduling conflicts with certain cast members and location/weather considerations, we had to wait until now to shoot a couple of scenes. Please rest assured that WOLVERINE will be badass and hopefully meet all of your expectations."

And as a further sop to our wounds, Jackman also sent in a brand-new picture of the fanboys' favourite cast members, Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds), Gambit (Taylor Kitsch), Jackman himself as Wolvie, Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) and Silver Fox (Lynn Collins).

Read the full email on AICN, and check out the new picture below. The film is due out on May 1.

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