Ogre-Come With Emotion

Crowds flock Shrek 2 London premiere

by empire |
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A strange sight greeted Empire as we made our way to Leicester Square last night. It just isn't usual to see the square was covered in ogre-green carpet (that's a colour a little like lime green, but more swampy), nor a band of wandering minstrels setting up shop in the heart of London to entertain a huge crowd of people and paparazzi, all wearing ogre ears (an indignity that Empire managed to avoid). Of course, they were all here in honour of the Shrek 2 premiere, and a fabulous affair it was too. The inside of the cinema was decked out like a fairytale castle, complete with torches on the walls and coats of arms everywhere and a swamp further into the foyer. A fairy godmother and prince charming mingled with the celebs

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