Pierce Brosnan Gets Bonded

Joins son Sean on indie drama

Pierce Brosnan Gets Bonded

by Owen Williams |
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No, it's nothing to do with a certain spy, currently on the mission of his life battling an ailing movie studio. The news from The Wrap is an altogether different prospect: The Bonded** that will star Pierce Brosnan and his son Sean is a South-American, border-crossing, slave-labour drama by Mo Ramchandani.

The Brosnans are exec-producing the film through their Irish Dream Time company, and will both appear as cops in the story of a Mexican teenager named Jesus, sold by his father and smuggled into America as a sweatshop worker (or "bonded" labourer, hence the name). When his friend Elena is taken by a sex trafficker, Jesus turns escapist and rescuer.

Sounds a bit bleak, like a sort of Mexican Lilya 4Ever. But, says Ramchandani (a childhood friend of Brosnan Jr) "I want to make movies that not only entertain people, but also empower, educate and inspire them."

Ramchandani (who previously directed Devil's Creek) also wrote Bonded's screenplay. Shooting is due to start in September, and the production has yet to find its Jesus. Any ideas?

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