Predator Heading for Prague

Alien vs Predator gets the go-ahead

by empire |
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It's a good week for director Paul Anderson with the news that his much anticipated movie Aliens vs Predator is finally going ahead. News is flooding the net that the monster flick will shoot in Prague this Autumn, making this the first new Alien film to go into production. But just to show that you can't please all of the people all of the time, certain film fans are getting angry with Twentieth Century Fox for putting Anderson's film ahead of a fifth go at the Alien franchise by James Cameron. Indeed, according to Harry Knowles, they're putting the very prospect of a Cameron return to the Alien franchise in jeopardy. 'If you remember,' the bearded one thunders today, 'the condition that Cameron had in doing it was that there be no Alien vs Predator film first.' Well when Empire Online caught up with Cameron back in April, he told us that another Alien outing was definitely on the cards; 'We're definitely looking at another Alien film but that wouldn't be something I'd be directing,' he told us. 'I'm just going to be writing and producing that one.'

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