The Puppet Masters

South Park team plan Hollywood satire

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The twisted yet stupidly talented minds behind South Park have turned their satirical eye on Hollywood for their next feature. Inspired by Thunderbirds (the original, not the remake), South Park scribes Trey Parker, Matt Stone and Pam Brady are now going to work on Team America, a send-up of mindless Hollywood action movies. But, rather than relying on CGI or huge explosions, the team will go back to basics for their cutting-edge comedy. "We will be sophisticated and employ all modern technology," producer Scott Rudin told Variety. "We have gone well beyond the paper cut-outs used in the last movie. Here, the entire cast will be made of wood!" Yes, in honour of Joe 90 and his ilk, the film will feature puppet protagonists, who save the world from total destruction thanks to their apple-pie-stuffing patriotism and belief in the good old US of A. "Our cast will be deliberately made of wood, but that will only be taking to the extreme what is evident in many Hollywood movies right now," said Stone. "I hate all these new Hollywood films that are CGI-driven. Trey and I loved that Thunderbirds series because of the artistry of the marionettes. It's amazing that a studio would make a movie out of it and take out the only thing that was good about the series." Targeting the kind of A-list stars who regularly populate high-concept action eye-candy, the South Park team aim to put them in their places and they

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