Rainn Wilson Is Just Super

So are Ellen Page and Liv Tyler

Rainn Wilson Is Just Super

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

Rainn Wilson, Ellen Page and Liv Tyler are set to star in Super, a new superhero comedy that Slither's James Gunn is writing and directing. Will there be room for some PG-Porn in there, or perhaps a giant mutant alien (just for luck)? We can only hope so.

The Office's Wilson will play an average Joe called Frank D'Arbo who adopts the pseudo-super alter-ego of the Crimson Bolt, and beats up his enemies with a wrench (well, if you don't have superpowers, a wrench'll basically do the same job). He's prompted by seeing his wife Sarah (Tyler) leave him for a charming drug dealer. Juno's Page will play a "young sociopath who dons a costume and forces herself into Frank’s life as his “kid sidekick”.

Gunn says on his website (link below) that the film is "not a wacky, over-the-top comedy. Super is a dark, comedic, gritty, very unusual, and grounded film... Okay, so, yes, this is a movie about superheroes. But what it’s really about is love, violence, perseverance, and faith. It’s not a spoof. It’s an examination of what it means to try to be something more than human. I think of it as The Passion for rebels, oddballs, fanboys, and freaks everywhere. I’ve never been more excited or committed to any project in my life, and I can’t wait to share more with you all."

We are so there.

Shooting starts in December, but in the meantime for your fix of barmy Gunn humour rent Slither on DVD (we mean it) and/or check out some PG-Porn on his website. Safe-ish for work, though you might not realise it at first.

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