Romancing Ridley

Love is in the air for Scott

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A quick run through Ridley Scott's resume reveals a gaping chasm where one popular genre should be - romantic comedies. We've got aliens, Michael Douglas in leather, gun-toting females and Demi Moore on a bad hair day, but nothing you could safely take out on video for Valentine's Day. Happily, news broke today that Scott is planning to remedy the situation. It's all down to Josh Hartnett, according to the Chicago Sun-Times, who has inspired Ridley to commission a screenwriter to create a romantic vehicle for the actor that Scott will direct. 'It's about a young man who is engaged and then he meets an older woman who has a few kids,' screenwriter Rob Perez says of the project currently titled Bob. 'It's just the wrong woman at the wrong time, but he falls in love with her.' It won't come as a great surprise to any of you that Meg Ryan is already being touted for the older woman role.

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