Sam Raimi Responds To Spider-Man: No Way Home: ‘It Was Delightful’

Spider-Man: No Way Home

by Ben Travis |
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SPOILER WARNING for Spider-Man: No Way Home

If you’re a film fan who grew up on Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movies, then chances are you’re feeling pretty good about everything happening over at Marvel right now. Not only is Raimi back on directorial duties for Doctor Strange: In The Multiverse Of Madness, but his classic Spider-Man trilogy was recently re-invoked in a big way in global mega-smash Spider-Man: No Way Home. With the multiverse open, Spider-worms everywhere, the latest MCU Spidey flick pitched Tom Holland’s Peter Parker against the likes of Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin from the 2002 Spider-Man and Alfred Molina’s Doc Ock from Spider-Man 2 – and also (REAL LAST-CHANCE SPOILER WARNING NOW) brought back Tobey Maguire in the red-and-blue spandex for the all-action finale.

Now, Raimi has spoken about his reaction to the film – and while it’d be a shock if he wasn’t a fan (especially since Marvel is his current employer), we’re happy to report that he had a very positive experience. “It was so much fun,” Raimi told Variety. “I love No Way Home and the audience I was with went crazy. It was delightful to watch Alfred play his role, and Willem Dafoe, just seeing these guys take it to the next level. And Tobey was awesome as always. The best word I can say is it was refreshing for me.” And it’s proved refreshing for audiences around the world, too – currently sitting at a global gross of $1.69 billion. That’s a lot of Spider-cash.

Raimi is currently hard at work on Multiverse Of Madness, which shared its first teaser trailer at the end of the No Way Home credits. With a long-teased horror-flecked tone, it sounds like the ideal project for the filmmaker behind the Evil Dead trilogy, and with serious pedigree in the superhero arena.

Benedict Cumberbatch will be back playing multiple incarnations of Doctor Strange (having also featured heavily in No Way Home, alongside Benedict Wong as fan-fave Wong, Rachel McAdams as Christine Palmer, and Chiwetel Ejiofor as Mordo. Plus, Elizabeth Olsen will be back as Wanda Maximoff (aka Scarlet Witch) after the events of WandaVision, and we’ll be introduced to America Chavez, played by Xochitl Gomez. It hits cinemas on 6 May. Bring on the Madness.

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