Samuel L Jackson Will Be The Samaritan

A grifter looking to go straight...

Samuel L Jackson Will Be The Samaritan

by James White |
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Sam Jackson has played a few criminals in his time. He’s also played men looking for redemption. Now a role in indie neo-noir thriller The Samaritan will allow him to combine the two.

Jackson has signed on to play Foley, a talented grifter who decides that he’s had enough of cheating people and wants to live life on the straight and narrow after spending 20 years locked up in the slammer. But because there’d be no drama if he just found a nice house, redecorated and spent the rest of his years in peaceful reflection, that’s not quite what happens next.

Nope, he meets a mysterious young woman (Ruth Negga) and is then asked for some help on a new plan by the son (Luke Kirby) of his former partner in crime. Just when he thought he was out...

David Weaver is calling the shots from a script he co-wrote with Elan Mastai, whose past worries us since he wrote Alone in the Dark. Still, at least this doesn’t have Uwe Boll involved.

The film starts shooting next week in Toronto before moving to Rio de Janeiro, and it’ll be a job that Jackson squeezes in before heading home to strap on Nick Fury’s eye patch once more for The Avengers.

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