Sandra’s London Trip

Bullock misses her step and charms the crowd

by empire |
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Sandra Bullock spent 24 hours in London yesterday and managed to charm both the crowd waiting for her at the evening premiere of her latest film and a bunch of the UK's usually hardbitten journalists. Arriving at the premiere of Miss Congeniality in London's Leicester Square, Bullock tripped in front of the massed ranks of the country's paparazzi, but took the embarassment all in her stride. 'Did you see the entrance I made?' she asked the audience inside. Earlier on in the day at the UK press conference, Empire Online asked the fragrant Ms Bullock whether the physical comedy of her latest role, which includes some spectacular falling down, was something she prided herself on. ' Oh yeah,' Sandra told us. 'Because it's something I do naturally in real life. I figured I might as well use what I know. And It hasn't been allowed in film for a while for women. 'If you look at the films of the 30s and 40s or even before then, up until the end of the 50s everyone was allowed to be physically inept but you had to still be the leading lady and it seemed like there was still a phase where we just wanted our leading women to just be beautiful dolls, and I just didn't fit into that category very well. 'My father used to say that in spite of all the years of dance classes that he paid for I still can't dance properly. I'm convinced dance classes screwed me up, 'cause they teach you not to look down and so I miss all the things that are like embedded into the street that are obstacles.

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