Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark: Director André Øvredal Returning For Horror Sequel

André Øvredal

by James White |
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Last year's Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark was a success last year – shot for $25 million, it earned more than $105 million worldwide. Which has production company eOne ramping up a sequel, this time with Paramount partnering, and director André Øvredal has now made a deal to return.

Guillermo del Toro will also be back, producing and working on further adaptations of Alvin Schwartz's kid-and-teen-friendly chiller stories, with writers Dan and Kevin Hageman fleshing those out into a script.

The first film was set in 1968, in the small town of Mill Valley, where a horrific incident with a wealthy family loomed large. Horror stories written by the daughter of the family, with the tales coming to life when a group of teens discover the book.

Øvredal's film did seed in ideas for the sequel, but the exact details are being kept in a locked room for now.

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