Sissy Spacek Leaps Into Lake City

A family drama

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Sissy Spacek has signed on to tragedy-laden drama Lake City.

She’ll star with After The Sunset’s Troy Garity and rock noodler Dave Matthews in a tale of a mother and son who were grew apart after a terrible family incident. They reunite to save their home from dire circumstances. Matthews – who’s clearly looking to make the leap into the thesping lark – will play the villain and be credited as David Matthews.

Co-writers and directors Perry Moore and Hunter Hill will start work on the film next week in Virginia. And they’re already bubbling over with praise for their top star. "With Sissy, we have a proven film icon who brings incredible talent to the material," Hill told The Hollywood Reporter. "It's so rare that you get your No. 1 choice in a film. We wrote the part for her."

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