Spidey 4 – Now With Extra Campbell?

Sam promises Bruce more screentime

Spidey 4 - Now With Extra Campbell?

by Owen Williams |
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It's all rumour, speculation and musing at the moment, likely with a good element of teasing thrown in for good measure. But MTV have just grabbed an interview with Sam Raimi that possibly confirms longtime Raimi cohort Bruce Campbell's recent claims that he'll have a bigger role than previously in Spider-Man 4.

"I promised [Bruce] we would write something because I really love putting him in the pictures," says Raimi. "I promised him a good, meaty role."

Now, what seems likely to us is that this is mischief of the highest order, and we wouldn't be at all surprised if, when Spidey 4 finally rolls into theatres in 2011, it turns out that "meaty role" meant Campbell has a two-minute cameo as a butcher who insults Peter Parker and refuses to sell him some sausages.

That sort of character, following the wrestling promoter who insults Peter Parker, the theatre usher who insults Peter Parker, and the "French" waiter who insults Peter Parker (is it the same character every time, doing a different job?) seems to us to be rather more plausible than the suggestion from MTV (and elsewhere) that Campbell might be in line for the fishbowl-headed master of illusion Mysterio.

We'll keep an eye on this with interest. In the meantime, feel free to speculate below on Spidey roles that might suit the be-chinned one down to the ground. Would it be cool if Campbell's appearances turned out to have been Mysterio all along? Or would that be rubbish?

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