Stewart For Snow White & The Huntsman?

Kristen's now working out a deal...

Stewart For Snow White & The Huntsman?

by James White |
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This week clearly been designated News About The Competing Snow White Projects Week, with word on Toy Story 3**’s Michael Arndt working on Disney’s Snow And The Seven, and today’s other big story, about Julia Roberts entering talks to join the Tarsem Singh take on Snow White. And now, confirming earlier chatter,Kristen Stewart has entered formal negotiations to play the heroine{ =nofollow}in Snow White and the Huntsman.

Clearly looking to snag some of that Twilight fan base, Universal has made an offer to the actress, whose management team are now negotiating. According to the Heat Vision blog, nothing is set in stone, though both sides seem to be agreed that it should happen if the right terms are found.

Though the studio has conducted an extensive search for the right White (**The Tempest’**s Felicity Jones is among those who screen tested), Stewart is the top choice, and the film is a chance for her to really see if audiences will flock to see as someone other than Bella.

Rupert Sanders is behind the camera for this one, a twist on the tale that finds Mortensen’s huntsman taking a more active role in Snow’s future. Despite the Evil Queen (Charlize Theron) dispatching him to kill the girl, he decides to teach her how to survive and, even more importantly, how to fight back…

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