Super Brad To The Rescue?

More rumours on Captain America

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Two weeks ago, the age-old rumour that Brad Pitt was to play Captain America surfaced once more on the internet, but today there's a story that apparently has Pitt himself commenting on the rumours. Sky News reporter Neil Sean is reporting today that Pitt has definitely signed on the dotted line to play the superhero. Unfortunately, the report is heavy on the hearsay factor as it says that Sean 'received word' about Pitt talking about the movie – so you'll have to take this with a pinch of salt. Apparently Pitt said; 'I wanted to make an all-out family movie - something that all ages can go to. And as a child it was my favourite comic.' Perhaps more interesting is the add-on to the story that Pitt will re-team with Guy Ritchie following the pair's collaboration on Snatch in a follow-up movie. Given the utter disaster that was Ritchie's last film, getting Pitt to sign up for a Snatch 2 would be a personal triumph for the director. However, a spokesperson for Ska Films told Empire Online today that nothing was happening with Snatch 2 at the moment - with Ska Films focused on Layer Cake which has just begun filming.

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