Superman 5 Director Confirmed

With Anthony Hopkins on board to star?

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With all hands on deck for the fifth Superman project, it seems that time and tide will indeed wait for no man, not even the director. Long connected to the project, Charlie's Angels director, McG, still seemed up for the job in recent interviews but, according to Brett Ratner, the gig has already been reassigned. The Red Dragon director said in a recent interview that Superman 5 would "definitely" be his next project. Causing all manner of a rumblings when news broke last month, the emergent Superman 5 script was apparently of such a high standard that plans for the Batman vs Superman film were subsequently put on hold. McG's commitment to other projects were feared to be in conflict with plans to get the film into development as soon as possible and is possibly the reason that the job has now been passed on. Currently directing Anthony Hopkins in his third run as psychotic gourmet, Hannibal Lecter, Ratner may be on the verge of persuading Hopkins to climb aboard the film as Superman's birth father, Jor-El. After an impromptu impersonation of Marlon Brando's original Kryoptonian patriarch for Latino Review, Hopkins told the site, "yeah, I'm going to do it. I'll love to do it." Whether Hopkins was serious or pulling their leg, only he knows, but Ratner is said to have decisively scotched rumours that Keanu Reeves is in line to play the red-and-blue-clad superhero - a prospect many would hold as too horrible to contemplate.

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