Superman Screaming Match

Bust up behind scenes on Man of Steel pic

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Things are going from bad to worse behind the scenes on the new Superman movie. With Josh Hartnett, Jude Law and Ashton Kutcher all passing on the chance to don Superman's cape, so fractious has the atmosphere become that even the producer and director have been at each other's necks. The man put in charge of Superman's fifth outing, Red Dragon's Brett Ratner has reportedly been involved in a screaming match with the film's producer, Jon Peters after tempers flared at a meeting last Friday. An insider on the Warner Bros lot commented, "It was a closed-door meeting, but you could hear them screaming at each other inside the office." And it got worse. "At one point, Peters started belittling Ratner. He said, 'Oh, you think you've a big man now?' It got so bad that someone had to separate them." Instead of indulging in this outrageous display of name-calling, maybe the pair should listen to rumoured Man of Steel candidate, Jerry O'Connell (pictured above), who might be the answer to all their prayers. Speaking with E! Online, the Sliders and Jerry Maguire actor was more than up for the part. "Yeah, I'm definitely right in there. There is some stiff competition, but I guarantee I can do more push-ups than all those other guys," he said before modestly adding, "There are guys in front of me that have nominations. The only thing I've been nominated for is best attendance for physical education in junior high." Rather charmingly, O'Connell also added "Whether it happens or not, I'm in this business for the long haul. I know for a fact that I look good in blue Spandex. If it doesn't happen, Space Ghost is always an option".

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