Syriana Suit

French scribe claims rip-off

Syriana Suit

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Another successful film, another lawsuit by someone claiming that they wrote it first…. French script scribbler Stephanie Vergniault has filed a suit against Syriana writer-director Stephen Gaghan, Warner Brothers and production company Section Eight alleging that she came up with the ideas and that the political oil drama plagiarises a script of hers.

Her claim talks of her own screenplay, Oversight, which she says was registered with France’s Society Of Dramatic Authors And Composes and with the proper American Copyright authorities. After going through the procedural hoops, she then claims to have sent it to a Canadian company close to Warners, with the hope that it would co-produce the film. Their response? Insert your own cricket sound effects here.

Vergniault will take her case to a court in Paris on Monday, with her legal team asking for a fraud expert examine both scripts. Her wish list also includes $2.45 million in damages. If the expert rules in her favour, she’ll go on the offensive in civil court.

Warners wheeled out a spokes-robot to issue the usual statement: “While we have not seen a copy of this suit, we believe it is without merit and will defend our position in court." The case rumbles onwards.

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