Tara’s Turturro Much

Empire Online quizzes Tara Fitzgerald

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Talking to British actress Tara Fitzgerald at last night's premiere of Dark Blue World, Empire Online wondered if she could shed any light on her next project - Secret Passage. 'That's for a director called Ademir Kenovic who's Bosnian,' Tara told us. 'It's set it the 16th century and it's huge, really epic.' 'It's about a couple of sisters who flee the Spanish Inquisition. One of them has a daughter. They're very rich and they're Jewish and they're not allowed to practice as Jews anymore because they've had to convert to Catholicism. They 've had to try and establish a base in Venice and move onto free land and it's about the problems they encounter there, economically and romantically. I play one of the sisters and I fall for John Turturro.'

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