Terminator 3? No, Thanks!

Linda Hamilton on turning down her third Arnie outing

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While it's been known for some time that Linda Hamilton won't be reprising her role as Sarah Connor in Terminator 3, this weekend the actress told a UK paper exactly why she's spurning the third outing in the series. 'I read the script and it didn't take my character in any new directions,' Hamilton tells The Independent On Sunday. 'The film is really about turning the baton over to Sarah's son John, played by Eddie Furlong. It's Eddie's movie - and Arnold's. It was like a no-win situation for me.' It also turns out that despite her divorce from Terminator director Jim Cameron since filming T2, Hamilton was further dissuaded from joining the project when Cameron made it clear he wasn't going to direct. 'The best I could hope for was that I wouldn't be compared to unfavourably with myself 10 years ago. Without Jim breathing the breath of life into the film? No, thank you.'

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