The Thing Remake Goes Ahead

With Galactica's Ronald D Moore writing

The Thing Remake Goes Ahead

by empire |
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When we last reported on plans for a prequel to The Thing, we promise we weren’t frakking kidding you.

But though the idea of this new film being a prequel seems a little up in the air (the current reports call it a “remake”), Universal is most definitely going ahead with a new Thing.

Though the idea of remaking Carpenter’s iconic, claustrophobic tale of Antarctic researchers and the alien which infests and kills them through the power of shape shifting is close to blasphemous, the studio has at least made one smart choice: hiring Battlestar Galactica producer Ronald D Moore to pen the screenplay.

And David Foster, who produced the 1982 original, is back on board to oversee this new vehicle, which, while it’s not a huge reason for hope, is at least something. He’s promising this will be a “companion piece to the Carpenter film”.

Can anyone truly replace Kurt Russell and John Carpenter? And will this be a CG-fest? Why don't we just wait here for a little while... See what happens?

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