It’s Trailer Time Again

And they're filmed in Brit-a-rama

by empire |
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Amongst a swag of new trailers released today, the common theme seems to be (hooray!) a strong turn out from the Brits. First of all there's The Constant Gardener, from the very-British-despite-being-born-in-Brazil Fernando Meirelles (he who brought us Empire's favourite film of 2003, City Of God), which has a definite vibe of being this year's Traffic about it. Given that Fernando missed out for his slum gang masterpiece, we expect the Academy will be paying keen attention this time around. The trailers shows us the mild mannered and very much in love Doctor Justin Quayle (Ralph Fiennes in nice guy mode) who is on an aid assignment in Kenya with his politically conscious wife Tessa (Rachel Weisz). When she

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