Trailers From The Underworld

A glimpse at Corpse Bride and Emily Rose online

by empire |
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It may be understating the obvious to say that we here at Empire love a good trailer, so it's a small speck of good news on an otherwise sad morning that we've been blessed with two great new glimpses at upcoming features. First up is the second trailer for Corpse Bride, Tim Burton's follow-up-in-style to The Nightmare Before Christmas (though of course, he's on producing duties for these films, he is co-directing this latest effort). This is sumptuous stuff, with all of the hints that we had from the first glimpse, of smoother animation than its predecessor realised; seamless is the word to describe it. And that palette of muted midnight purples and blues works brilliantly with the delicious dialogue - something that we'd not previously been privvy to. Take a look. Click here, then come back. Of course, a large part of the reason these words work so well is the cast

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