Trainspotting sequel gets a teaser trailer


by John Nugent |
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It’s judgement day for Danny Boyle's long-awaited Trainspotting sequel. After years of umming-and-aahing, rumours and hearsay, filming on the follow-up to the cult British classic officially began today, and an announcement trailer has been released to mark the occasion.

There’s no new footage in this trailer, which edits together clips from the original film, set to Iggy Pop’s Lust For Life, the de facto theme tune of the first film. But it does confirm that filming began on May 16, and that the original key cast of Ewan McGregor, Ewen Bremner, Jonny Lee Miller and Robert Carlyle will reprise their characters as Renton, Spud, Sick Boy and Begbie, respectively.

The trailer also appears to confirm that the title is T2, though this may not be the final official title. The screenplay, written by John Hodge (screenwriter for the original) is loosely adapting Irvine Welsh’s novel sequel Porno, and it was never likely to adopt that title. But T2 maybe seems a smidge unlikely too, given the Terminator-shaped sequel that has already come to pass with that moniker.

Ewan McGregor himself told us that the sequel was entitled T2 on the latest edition of the Empire Podcast, but we naturally assumed he was joking. Perhaps not?

Whatever it’s called, Danny Boyle’s Trainspotting sequel arrives in cinemas in January 2017, just over two decades after the original. We haven't had news that good since Archie Gemmill scored against Holland in 1978.

[Read Empire’s on-set report of the original Trainspotting, from 1996](


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