Venom Getting A Spin-Off?

Spidey 3's big bad to get another shot?

Venom Getting A Spin-Off?

by Olly Richards |
Published on

It's almost universally agreed that Venom was disappointingly mishandled in Spider-Man 3*. One of the Spidey universe's most cherished villains was confined to a bit part role that made him neither cool, nor frightening, nor reflected the talents of Topher Grace – who did a bang up job as his alter ego but became annoying in the black suit. So, we hope that the rumour that the character is getting his own spin-off turns out to be a positive thing.

IESB is reporting that Marvel is planning a stand alone movie for the character and is already holding talks with a number of "A-list writers". They're allowed to do this because they've struck an interim deal with the WGA. It's not known if this movie will be backed by Sony, who released Spider-Man 3, or if Marvel might go with someone else, depending on who still owns the rights.

Done properly, this could make an amazing action movie. We assume it would take Spider-Man out of the equation, forgetting the fact that it was he who first melded with the evil alien symbiote, and make it all Eddie Brock's story. Of course, the movie could also move on from Brock, sever any ties with Spider-man 3, and go for one of the other poor men who's taken on the Venom mantle over the years.

Imagine a movie like the first Spider-Man, but where the recipient of special powers becomes not a sweetly geeky do-gooder, but a giant marauder bent on mayhem. We'd watch it.

*If you disagree, your own venom can be spewed forth in the comments section.

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