Vin Diesel Is Hannibal

…The general, not the cannibal

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Yes, the space-faring sociopath from Pitch Black and muscle-car-driving bad boy from The Fast and The Furious is indeed taking on the role of Hannibal but Anthony Hopkins need not head for the DHSS just yet. Rather than stealing the role of the boiler suit-wearing liver-slurper, Vin Diesel has rather been chosen to lead the sacking of Rome as the historic Carthaginian general. Historically known as one of history's great military minds, Hannibal is best known for his pachyderm-mounted crossing of the Alps and subsequent arrival on Rome's front porch with more than a friendly game of Risk in mind. The brawny Diesel's portrayal will be based upon Ross Leckie's somewhat fictionalised autobiography - succinctly titled Hannibal - charting the marauding warmonger's story from childhood to death. The project is apparently destined for fast-track development in order to catch up with Denzel Washington's rival Hannibal project and production is scheduled to begin some time next year after Diesel finishes work on The Chronicles of Riddick.

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