Where’s Vinny?

Swordfish cast hit London, but there's one member missing...

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The cast and crew of cyber-thriller Swordfish flew into London yesterday, but there was one cast member notable for his absence - Britain's very own Vinnie Jones. Jones, who had to miss the date due to filming commitments, cast a shadow over the London proceedings as the film's director Dominic Sena explained. 'You haven't seen him around here, have you?' Sena asked the assembled press corps. 'Because we cut some of his dialogue and I'm shit-scared he's going to kick the hell out of me.' Clutching to the proverbial straws, Sena added, 'I don't know if he's seen the movie yet.' Cast and crew members who did turn up were John Travolta, Halle Berry, Hugh Jackman and the film's producer Joel Silver - who, if Travolta and Jackman have their way, could be swapping action for love songs for his next movie. '[Hollywood] just doesn't make enough movie musicals,' Jackman said - a complaint taken up by Travolta who added, 'the biggest movie I ever had in my life was Grease. It made what would be the equivalent today of $1.5 billion. Studios will back a phone book before they'll back a musical and here we have Russell Crowe, Hugh Jackman and John Travolta willing to sing and dance for you. I don't get it.' And Joel's response? 'If you guys want to make a musical, as long as there's lots of explosions and gunfire then I'm happy to have a go.'

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