The Vow Trailer Online

Channing Tatum is entirely forgettable

The Vow Trailer Online

by James White |
Published on

Ha! Suck it Channing Tatum! You might be a handsome git, but even you seemingly can’t overcome serious brain injuries to someone who once loved you! Sorry… Got a bit evil there. But dealing with a nasty case of amnesia is the topic of Tatum’s latest romantic weepie The Vow, which finds him co-starring with Rachel McAdams. You can check out the trailer over at Apple.

Amnesia is one of those plot turns that always seems to crop up in soap operas, where people suddenly awaken from knocks to the noggin with no idea of who their loved ones are. And while it was mined for comedy in 50 First Dates, this is instead the tale of a man whose wife is in a car accident, loses her memory and must be wooed once more.

It sounds like it comes straight from a Nicholas Sparks novel, and indeed the trailer’s marketing aims squarely at the Sparks crowd, but this is in fact based on a true story.

Paige (McAdams) and Leo (Tatum) are sickeningly in love, having gotten married at a museum (without getting permission first – cute!) and must face a new reality when she wakes up with zero recollection of who he is. He swears he’ll win her heart anew, but can they overcome this issue?

We’ll find out just in time for Valentine’s Day next year as the film is out February 10. Check out the trailer and let us know what you think.

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