Wentworth Miller Goes Analog

He's on for the indie dramedy

Wentworth Miller Goes Analog

by James White |
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In this post-Prison Break world, Wentworth Miller is becoming known more for his scripting skills – he wrote the drama Stoker under a pseudonym that has attracted Nicole Kidman, Colin Firth and director Chan-wook Park – than for his acting. But he’s still staying in front of the camera and has just agreed to star in Analog.

As the title might suggest, the film will deal with a man who is having trouble adapting to our increasingly digital world. In this case, the focus will be on Miller’s troubled, introverted genius, who is stumbling through life looking for love but, for all his intelligence, just can’t find that special someone.

Mike Million wrote the script, which found itself on the Black List of highly regarded screenplays back in 2005. He’s now scraped together the money to get it made and will direct it as his second stint wielding the megaphone. He has $3 million to shoot with and is looking at kicking off production this summer in Michigan, though nothing is set in stone yet. Chances are he’s still looking for the right romantic foil for Miller.

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