Worthington Turns To Crime

The Last Days Of American Crime

Worthington Turns To Crime

by SAM TOY |
Published on

No sooner has he parted ways with The Tourist than Empire's only non-special-issue, two-month-sequential-coverboy (granted, that tag needs work) Sam Worthington has found another project to fill what precious little time he had left on his schedule between now and somewhere into 2025: he is, according to Variety, attached to star in The Last Days Of American Crime.

The story is set in the near future, and hinges on a US government plan to broadcast a signal which renders people unable to commit illegal acts. It all sounds like it'll land us squarely in Philip K. Dick / George Orwell territory (never a bad thing), so you can bet your boots that someone in power is up to no good.

The project is so young it's virtually a zygote, with no announcement of a director yet, while even the comic book series - by Punisher: War Journal series author Rick Remender - isn't due out until next month. Yes, that's right - they've already done one better than Kick-Ass: not only are we adapting comics that haven't finished their run yet; we're now adapting comics that haven't even been released.

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