Zombieland 2 Hints From Ruben Fleischer

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Zombieland 2 Hints From Ruben Fleischer

by Owen Williams |
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Ready for some more Columbus, Tallahassee, Little Rock and Wichita? Ruben Flesischer says the script forZombieland 2is well underway (at least as a first draft), although it may not be the immediate next blip on the director's radar.

Speaking from the set of 30 Minutes or Less, Fleischer confirmed what everyone already knew: that Zombieland 2, if and when it happens, will go ahead in 3D. And much as he loves Avatar, he's not quite in-tune with James Cameron's concerns about filmmakers cheapening the effect: "I even love the schlockier movies that are in 3-D. I think it's cool to see stuff fly at your face. The idea of zombies splattering into the lens is exciting for me. I understand Mr. Cameron's point as far as not overdoing it and not making it gimmicky, but I still go for that stuff. That's the part I'm excited about!"

He's right, you know. Isn't he?

Elsewhere, Fleischer also lets slip some details about the splatter sequel's possible direction, and it seems there are still various routes that the script might navigate. Writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have played both with picking up immediately after the events of the first film, *and *with starting much further down the line. And there may even be prequel elements. "One of the fun things about Zombieland is it jumps all over the place in terms of the storyline," says Fleischer. "What's fun about the sequel is we have freedom and flexibility to show different periods. We might have scenes before the zombies, or we might have some months after. Through the voice-over and the way the movie is structured, we can really explore all different sides of it."

The wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey zom-com may have to wait though, since, post-30 Minutes or Less, Fleischer is still eyeing Babe in the Woods, and an untitled cop comedy for Dreamworks. Plus, there's always the question of whether, if The Social Network sees his star rise, Jesse Eisenberg will be available to re-join Woody Harrelson in bringing new meaning to the phrase "not to be fucked with".

30 Minutes or Less is released in the autumn of 2011.

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