All of Me Review

All of Me
Rich bitch Edwina doesn't like the idea of dying, so she finds a gal willing to accept her soul so that she can carry on bitching forever. During the transfer 'operation' however, it all goes a bit tits-up and passing Lawyer Roger suddenly finds his body half taken-over by the displaced ice-queen.

by empire |
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Release Date:

01 Jan 1984

Running Time:

93 minutes



Original Title:

All of Me

A more fully rounded performance than his earlier films, this pairs Martin with Lily Tomlin — in the same body. A diffident, jazz guitar-playing attorney, he accidentally becomes the repository of the soul of rich, unpleasant Edwina Cutwater (Tomlin), who takes up residence in the right side of his body. As he still controls the left side, simple tasks like walking become major feats of coordination, and more complex procedures like urination take on a decidedly dangerous aspect.

This was the film which revealed that Martin's comic talents went much further than big-yuk mugging, and that he could actually act better than most so-called "straight" thespians.

A really simple premise, a great performance, and a total hoot

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