Paul Bettany To Lead WandaVision Spin-Off Series Vision Quest

White Vision in WandaVision

by James White |
Updated on

Looks like Kathryn Hahn's Agatha Harkness won't be the only WandaVision character getting a spin-off from the Disney+ series. Word arrives that a series called Vision Quest is in the works starring Amos Glick's delivery m… Sorry, no, Paul Bettany as Vision.

It's early days for the potential series, which is opening a writers room next week, and will be about Vision trying to regain his memory and humanity after the events of the show, which saw him rebuilt by S.W.O.R.D. to take on the created version of Vision in Wanda Maximoff's fantasy world.

Like Agatha: Coven Of Chaos, the new series would be overseen by WandaVision creator Jac Schaeffer and draw loosely from comics runs about Vision's, well, quest to regain himself.

Whether Elizabeth Olsen will appear as Wanda remains to be seen, especially given the events of Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness, but there is always the chance for flashbacks if nothing else.

Though Deadline confirmed up the report through sources, credit to first breaking this one goes to reporters Jeff Sneider and John Rocha of The Hot Mic podcast.

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