Brand New Iron Man 2 Posters Arrive

ScarJo and co glower for the camera

Brand New Iron Man 2 Posters Arrive

by Ali Plumb |
Published on

New Iron Man 2 posters? Those damn French. Not content with having the sexiest accent known to man, Emmanuelle Béart and the world’s cuddliest president, they’ve also got four brand new posters from Ol' Shellhead's latest outing, the swine.

Fortunately for you, we’ve managed to acquire them through the medium of the internets and have them for your perusal, alongside our increasingly extensive Iron Man 2 image gallery.

There’s Whiplash looking menacingly menacing, War Machine and Rhodey looking metallic and distinguished (respectively), Pepper Potts looking sultry and Black Widow looking even sultry-ier.

Though, admittedly, they don’t add a ha-yuge amount to the Iron Man 2 teaser war chest, they are very cool, and what’s more, we know the** Iron Man 2** love is ever increasing as the 30 April release date looms closer and closer.

16 days, people. 16 days.

![Gwyneth Paltrow Iron Man 2 Poster]

Click the image above for the full gallery on

Just to reiterate, Iron Man 2 is out in cinemas April 30.

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