Brandon Routh To Be Nolan’s Superman?

He’d love the opportunity, so he would

Brandon Routh To Be Nolan’s Superman?

by Ali Plumb |
Published on

File this one under "wild-but-fun speculation". Brandon Routh, a perennial contender in the 'nicest man in Hollywood' competition (politely tussling with Paul Rudd, Hugh Jackman and The Cloonster for the top spot, in our eyes), would love to be Nolan's Superman, and we have video evidence to prove it.

Also, did you know he was a massive** World Of Warcraft** addict? We did, so we asked if he'd be interested in the proposed Warcraft movie. And it turns out he's at least talking to the right people. Wow. Or rather, WoW.

Routh spoke a little more on the topic (of Supes, not WoW) at a Comic-Con roundtable, saying: "I think the brothers Nolan are both very talented and so that makes it a different kind of film that would be than Bryan’s vision, which I think was a very nice film that I’m very proud of."

Will Nolan make a “very nice film” out of the Superman franchise, and will he actually want a very nice guy to take the lead? That remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure, Brandon Routh wasn't the problem with the last instalment, and still looks like the Big Blue Boy Scout to us.

See above for our words with the onetime Man of Steel – at Comic Con, of course, for Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.

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