Fantastic Four 2 Has Official Subtitle

Rise Of The Silver Surfer

Fantastic Four 2 Has Official Subtitle

by empire |
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For a long time, the Fantastic Four sequel was just known by its numeral. Then it was Fantastic Four And The Silver Surfer.

But Fox has now announced that the official subtitle for the new film will be Rise Of The Silver Surfer. Sadly, despite the extra confirmation that ol’ shiny head will indeed be causing chaos and panic on Earth by preparing it for destruction by planet-consuming behemoth Galactus, there’s still no word on whether Hellboy’s Doug Jones will be the man behind the surfer.

Oh, and despite rumours that he wouldn’t be returning, looks like Julian McMahon is involved in some capacity (even if it’s only his voice). The sequel will indeed see the return of Dr Doom. The next FF adventure hits our screens on 6 July next year.

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