Joss Whedon Talks Avengers 2 Progress

'I think it's in really good shape...'

Joss Whedon Talks Avengers 2 Progress

by James White |
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That Joss Whedon, eh? What a lazy sort. He’s just content to sit on his pile of money from The Avengers and cackle while his newly acquired baby dolphin swims puzzled around his pool. Okay, so he’s actually a busy man and we have no idea about the dolphin. Whedon is hard at work on several projects including the S.H.I.E.L.D. pilot and, most crucially, the script for the Avengers sequel. He took a break from his toil to show up at the **Iron Man 3 **premiere in Los Angeles on Tuesday night and talked to Yahoo! about his progress.

So where is he at with the screenplay? Has he just been staring at a blank screen? Not so! "I have finished a draft and I'm redoing it now,” he says. “I think it's in really good shape. We're in a very good place.”

Asked whether he’s concerned about Shane Black and Iron Man 3 raising the bar for him he admits that’s true, but doesn’t seem worried. “I try to think of this as its own movie. Sometimes, yeah, I feel pressure and by the way, Shane’s not helping, because I saw **Iron Man 3 **and, man, he really got it right. But when you're in the story and you're dealing with these characters that you love, that everybody loves, when you've got the new characters sliding in next to them it's very exciting. Then I don't feel pressure, it's like I'm reading my favourite comic."

New characters, you say? Whedon-tease time! "I've got these two characters, two of my favourite characters from the comic book, a brother-sister act. They're in the movie. "Hhhm: a brother-sister act from the Marvel Comics Universe that Disney/Marvel have the rights to put on screen?

Current speculation points to Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch, though Whedon didn’t specify, as he’s mostly still having fun getting ready to make the movie itself. “It's going really well, eventually someone will explain to me that it's not and pull me out of my bubble. I've been writing and meeting with actors and we're starting to storyboard, all the preliminary processes. This is the part where it's all still fun." For more from the Josster, watch the video above.

The Avengers 2 or possibly Re-Avengers Re-Assemble, is scheduled to arrive here in 2015. If you're in an Avengery mood, why not check out our review of Iron Man 3?

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