Michelle Monaghan Is A Trucker

All aboard for indie drama

Michelle Monaghan Is A Trucker

by Olly Richards |
Published on

There are many roles you might expect Michelle Monaghan to play: fashion model, insanely hot wife, ball breaking businesswoman with a heart of gold. Trucker is not one of them. Which is why it's surprising to know that she'll be playing one of the Yorkie-chomping, buttcrack-wielding types in the new movie Trucker. But when you think about it, it starts to make sense. She's as ballsy as a woman can be without gender re-assignment (witness her turn in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang) and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty (witness her rolling around in Mission Impossible III, which is way better than most people give it credit for.

In the indie movie, she'll take the role of a woman pantechnicon (yep, word of the week toilet paper) driver who's forced to shape up her free-living ways when she has to take charge of her estranged 11-year-old son, following his dad's (Benjamin Bratt) hospitalisation.

The film also stars Empire favourite Nathan Fillian, so will be getting four stars upon release*.

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